
just Me

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

SOO here is a conversation I had with a friend of mine's new boyfriend.... I'll leave out names to keep peoples privacy but for those who are reading this who are in a similar situation this is the kind of crap that you can run into... and no I don't have any good way to really deal with this... no great words of wisdom today.. today I'm just too upset and frazzled atm...

Ok so background  is this.. Friend "A" has a daughter "E" and just got a new boyfriend "B".   Boyfriend "B" was well informed of my Hubby's past and seemed ok with it until something changed suddenly and this is what I got this am when I messaged friend "A" about how school conferences went for her this am and I got

"non of your bizz"... 

and I know that's NOT my Friend "A" that is her BF "B"so I say

 "OK "B", Was just asking my friend how things went since we have been talking to each other about our kids for 2 yrs now"
and he says "U need counselling and I'm gna do my damdest 2 keep "E" away from that sick chomo fuck u live with"(BTW I'm leaving in his misspellings b/c they piss me off even more.)So I say ""B" I am not going to begin thsi discussion with you. "J" is not a child molester and we have all been threw counseling. We have supported and loved "A" and "E" like family and we were ready to accept you and your past as well. Your anger and arrogance are countering your Nore beliefs. I will always be "A's" friend ad "E" will always be welcome here and will always be my daughter's friendSO HE SAYS " Dont count on it and yes he's a very sick fuck"So i respond with"you know normally I would engage you in this petty name calling bigitory but I don't need this and since you don't even have the balls to talk to us I'm done discussing this with you..."AND "B" says "Don't waste time with codependend (codependent) pedophile blind ho like you and your so dam sick that u let him fuck other chics that ain't love if he ain't satisfied with you"I did not respond to him.... I did have my hubby call his po and let him know that this guy is trying to start trouble

I'm very frustrated and saddend right now.. sigh...

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