I've been meaning to start writing here more often but as usual, it's too easy to push it off till later. I know I posted this on the Secret FB group as well, but well not everyone wants to be or, is in that group yet.
Here are a few of the things I've been thinking about.
1. There was recently a little girl who was kidnapped and killed by a man in her town. And other than being horrified and sad for her family, one of my first thoughts was. "Crap! I can't post a thing about this on FB or anywhere b/c if I do I'll just get a lot of backlash about who and what my husband is."
Oddly enough one of the PCA's for my Grandma is direct friends with the family who lost their little girl so I was able to reach out to them in a different avenue. And for that I'm glad.
2. They just finally found the body of David Wetterling the little boy kidnapped and killed in 1989. In this situation, I again hesitated to post anything, because of my husband. Then I began to read the timeline of the David Wetterling investigation, and the laws brought about, and I realized that my poor husband, was one of the first people to be affected by these laws. Yep you read that right, he committed his offense the very year that the David Wetterling Act was put into law, and Minnesota (where we live) was the first state to institute the SOR. So there you have it. Not only was my husbands case poorly timed but poorly placed. Did he do wrong? yes, was he made an example YES! And get this! When he had issues with registering, b/c he spent to much time at his ex-wife's house with his kids, that 'offense' happened just after Meggan's Law went into effect. I'd say he has a comics timing but its just not that funny.
3. I absolutely HATE when new sex offenders move into my town or surrounding community. It's not because I feel less safe, or that I worry more about my family. I worry about that person and their family, but even more so I am simply put tired of all the residual hate that filters back to MY family. I'm on the town police FB page and EVERY SINGLE time a new Sex Offender is publicized, SOMEONE has to bring up my husband. People have to snip and snipe and whisper about him, to each other. And yes I could just not be on that page, yes I can just ignore them, and for the most part, I do, and yet.... Yet I feel the need to subtly monitor the people of the town I live in. I need to feel as if I can protect my family from all the haters. I need to TRY to know when an attack is coming so that I can deflect it.
My husband tells me not to worry, that he will handle it all since it is because of him that we are dealing with all of this; but in truth, he is one of the people I desperately want to protect. Yes I want to protect my daughter, and I have been actively protecting and educating her but still I'm tired of him being constantly berated for simply breathing and I love him enough to want to lessen that burden. I want to shield and protect him from more hurt, more rejection, more pain. He has paid his dues, and I really wish he could live a life with that truly in his past.
So ok thats enough for my random rant at the moment. I hope this finds everyone well, and if you want feel free to message me, on here or on FB.. I'm not hard to find.