So I told everyone that I had a panic attack at the college when I was taking the placement tests. Well its been 2 days now and my chest STILL feels tight.. Not as tight but still feel like I always need to take a deep breath. I'm starting to get worried. Think I should go to the dr soon. I had H1N1 already so it shouldn't be that, but I don't know if H1N1/Phenuemonia can leave you at a higher risk for getting bronchitics or phenumemonia again.
Sigh.. well that all for today.. tomorrow is Sunday and parts of me really wish we could go to church and parts of me are just happy to sleep in and be with my family... why cant we go to church? well most churches don't want my husband there. His presence makes the congregation uncomfortable. So much for Christian love and acceptance..just chalk it up to one more thing thats frustrating in life when your married to a sex offender.
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